What’s the Difference Between Web Hosting and Cloud Hosting

web hosting

Nowadays, businesses are going online to ensure they have a wider reach. And the first step to taking your business online is to build a website for it. But for a website to function, you would need hosting. And typically, there are two types of hosting you can choose: web hosting and cloud hosting.

What Is Hosting?

The hosting allows you to share your website’s resources with the internet. The website content and everything that is on it are hosted on a server.

Here is how the process goes:

  • The hosting provider, who has the server, assigns a domain name to the server.
  • Then, the hosting provider assigns a website address to the server. For example, john.com.
  • Then, the hosting provider also assigns an IP address to the server. For example, 123.456.7.8.
  • Lastly, the server is connected to the internet.

Because the server has a unique address, it can be seen by anyone with the right address. So anyone on the internet can visit the website hosted on the server.

What Is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is the most common type of hosting. It is a type of Internet hosting where you rent an independent server and host your website on it. With this hosting, you are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of your website. This includes changing the content and images, installing new software, and upgrading hardware.

Additionally, you would have to pay for security, power, and telephone bills to run the server. Web hosting is widely used by small and medium-sized businesses that are not concerned about the rising costs of bandwidth, storage, and processing power.

What Is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting, on the other hand, is a type of hosting where you rent the server’s resources from the cloud hosting provider. In essence, you are using the resources of the cloud provider’s server.

The advantages of cloud hosting are that you are not responsible for hardware maintenance, software installation, and updates. Those responsibilities are taken care of by the hosting provider.

Additionally, it also requires less upfront cost since you do not need to buy a server, pay for its maintenance, and pay for its internet connection. Other benefits of cloud hosting are:

  • Faster website access.
  • Better security and data protection.
  • Easier to share resources with other clients.
  • Lower power and bandwidth requirements.

Which One Should You Choose?

As you can see, there are benefits to both web hosting and cloud hosting. If your business is one with a high volume of visitors and low website traffic, then cloud hosting is likely the best option for you. Otherwise, you would need to get a server and an internet connection for your business.

On the other hand, if you are a small business that does not have a high volume of visitors, then web hosting is likely the better option for you. Since you’d be renting a server from the web hosting provider, you don’t have to worry about the rising costs of bandwidth, storage, and processing power.

Final Thoughts

Whether you choose web hosting or cloud hosting, you need to choose a hosting provider that can provide the amount of traffic that your website will attract. It is crucial for your business to have a website that is fast, secure, and reliable.

Host your website with the help of Binary Racks. We are a cloud hosting platform that provides unmatched performance. At Binary Racks, you’re in control with power controls, reboots, rebuilds and more. Create an account now!

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