Ways to Boost Your Website’s Speed on VPS Hosting

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People on the internet are significantly savvier, and as the digital world projects a faster-paced lifestyle, it makes sense that users expect the websites they browse to load in a blink of an eye. Call it the need for instant gratification, but whatever the case may be, the reality is that the website loading speed can make or mar the user experience. 

Why Page Loading Speed Matters and How It Impacts Your Target Consumers

How exactly does the website speed impact user experience and their behaviour? Consider our breakdown below based on surveys from different sources: 

  • A whopping 47 per cent of consumers can only wait up to two seconds for a website to load, so anything beyond that timeframe causes them to bounce to a competitor’s website.

  • The page loading speed can impact up to 50 per cent of the page views for every visitor.

  • When online shoppers browse slow-loading e-commerce websites, 79 per cent of them won’t visit the business again, while 44 per cent will spread the news to their circle.

  • Boosting the speed of an e-commerce website from seven to two seconds can skyrocket the page views by 25 per cent, which also promotes a higher generation of revenue between 7 to 12 per cent.

  • All it takes is a second of delay in your website speed to drop seven per cent of its conversion rate. 

Optimizing your website by compressing all media files properly without compromising the quality can help, but you can achieve a more stable loading speed by switching to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting. Instead of sharing your resources with other users on the server, this private machine enables you to maximize the virtual space on your own, allowing you to enjoy a speedy and smooth-sailing browsing experience. 

How VPS Hosting Improves Your Website Speed

As the moniker suggests, VPS hosting provides a dedicated server with higher processing power and faster speeds compared to other hosting plans since you don’t have to share the space with other computers. This can improve your website’s performance as your account can use more CPU time, memory, storage space, and bandwidth, which means your website can respond faster without any lag compared to a shared virtual environment.

The Bottom Line: Boosting Website Speed through VPS Hosting

Businesses need to keep up with the digitally-driven landscape, and speed is one of the key pillars that can influence the user experience and buying decisions in more ways than one. Making an SEO-friendly website can help speed up your website by optimizing the files, but running your website on VPS hosting can take the experience to greater heights as it provides all the benefits of a dedicated server for a more affordable price. 

Are You Looking for the Best Virtual Private Server Hosting to Improve Your Website Browsing Experience?

Internet-driven activities need dedicated servers to provide a fast, scalable, and smooth-sailing online experience. But managing your data hosting solutions can be costly in more ways than one, so it’s a good thing that Binary Racks offer high-quality and high bandwidth dedicated servers in the UK.  

Binary Racks is a one-stop shop for all your data, cloud, and VPS hosting needs, so contact us today at +44 121 7900 390 to see what our wide range of reliable and secure hosting solutions can do to meet your specific needs. 

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